Each of the nine Cyber Resilience Centres (CRCs) across England and Wales works closely with its local universities to handpick a unique and talented cadre of students, who work alongside senior Cyber Security Practitioners and police officers to deliver high-quality and tailored cyber resilience services to smaller organisations.

How to Apply


Cybercrime is fluid; it keeps changing and advancing as technology evolves.

That is why we are bringing in the brightest and the best young people from academia to develop a second-to-none Talent Pipeline both for policing and the private sector.

In NCRCG, we have a platform to lead the charge to strengthen our national cyber resilience and ultimately benefit the UK economy, protect our national assets, and make the UK a more attractive place to work in, to invest in and to deal with. Escalating and expanding our nation’s legacy talent pipeline in the cyber space ensures we are putting our best foot forward in this changing landscape of crime and staying ahead of the curve, both now and for the future.


We know our nation’s smaller organisations are looking to reinforce their cyber resilience but aren’t always sure where to begin.


So, rather than overwhelming them with advice and recommendations inappropriate to their size and resource, our students are finding and explaining solutions to complex challenges in ways that are straightforward and accessible.

In doing so, they are developing their own understanding of how smaller organisations operate, the pressures they face and what is required to build cyber resilience against threats specific to their locality. And, at the same time, each student is gaining the essential skills, knowledge and on-the-job training they need to succeed in the workplace.

Follow our Cyber PATH page on LinkedIn to keep up-to-date with the latest developments.


If you would like more information about our services contact your local Cyber Resilience Centre

Provides employees with a basic but effective understanding of their cyber environment and the confidence to recognise and draw attention to any potential security issues. It is delivered in small, succinct modules using real-world examples.

An initial assessment of your website to highlight its most pressing vulnerabilities. It is considered a light-touch review in comparison to the fuller Web App Vulnerability Assessment offered.

A comprehensive review of publicly available information about your business using internet search and social media tools. It is primarily focused on identifying any information that could be used by cyber criminals to craft an attack.

Identifies any weaknesses in your internal networks and systems, such as insecure WiFi networks and access controls, or opportunities to steal sensitive data.

A comprehensive review of publicly available information about a potential or existing employee using internet search and social media tools. It is primarily focused on identifying any information that could be used by cyber criminals to target your business.

A complete assessment of your website to highlight any vulnerabilities and their potential risk to your business.

Identifies any weaknesses in the way your organisation connects to the internet.

An in-depth review of how your current security policy is written and implemented.

A thorough review of your business continuity plan and overall resilience to cyber attack.


Please make a selection below to view the team member:

Fiona Bail

Fiona Bail

National Cyber PATH Lead
Savva Pistolas

Savva Pistolas

Cyber PATH Supervisor
Abdullah Khan

Abdullah Khan

Cyber PATH Supervisor
Danielle Healy

Danielle Healy

Cyber PATH Client Liaison
Andy Dodd

Andy Dodd

Cyber PATH Policy and Security Senior


Meet Dominic Johns: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Dominic Johns: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Sapphire Little: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Sapphire Little: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Sophie Powell: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Sophie Powell: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Chris Chiocca: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Chris Chiocca: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Abdullah Khan: Cyber PATH Supervisor

Meet Abdullah Khan: Cyber PATH Supervisor

Meet Nathan Watson: Cyber PATH Student

Meet Nathan Watson: Cyber PATH Student